Thursday, August 30, 2012

Apple Green Grape

Apple Green Grape
 – Simply delicious!  These flavors were made to be together.  The combination of grapes and apples is one of my favorites.  When you were a kid, what was your favorite color Kool-Aid?
  • 3 Granny Smith apples, quartered and cored
  • 1 Cup seedless green grapes
  • 1 Thin wedge lemon, peeled
Using electric juice extractor, press apples, grapes and lemon. Whisk to combine.

Orange Carrot Juice

Orange Carrot

Juices are a great way to have a quick snack or even as a light dinner. here are the ingredients
  • 8 Large Fresh Cleaned Carrots
  • 2 Large Fresh Peeled Oranges
Using electric juice extractor, press carrots and oranges. Whisk to combine.

Asparagus Juice

Asparagus Juice

Asparagus is very nutritious and has excellent health benefits. Packed rich in folic acid, potassium, niacin, phosphorus, vitamin A, C and K asparagus good, and the fact that food aid detoxification asparagus remove waste from the body (you may have noticed an unpleasant smell in the urine causes: -). Asparagus is best known for its anti-cancer properties and its beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver and intestines. Asparagus also help relieve arthritis and rheumatism and strengthen a weak Hart. Normally used to treat asparagus juice / relieving symptoms associated with anemia and problems intestine, kidney, eye, and various types of cancer and skin problems.

Try some of these recipes with asparagus strong:

Asparagus Carrot Juice:

  • 5 asparagus spears
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 tomatoes

Asparagus Celery Juice:

  • 2 celery stalks 
  • 2 large carrots
  • 4 asparagus spears

Asparagus Apple Juice:

  • 2 green apples
  • 6 asparagus spears
Varieties of asparagus:
Green asparagus: Asparagus comes in four different types of green asparagus is the most common. Wonderful color, and sweet and tender asparagus are quick and easy to prepare with absolutely no need to peel all of the pressure and cooking.

Violet / purple asparagus: rarely found in stores, and is more common in Italy and England. Has a thick stem.

White asparagus: beloved by Europeans to sweet and delicate. Grown under black plastic huts avoid green and are often used in cooking.

Wild asparagus: very hard to find, but you can find them in the markets of Italy and the south of France.

Apple Juice Recipes

Apple Juice Recipes

Apple fruit is versatile, making it easy to juice. Apples, especially green apples go well with almost any fruit and vegetable juice, so there is plenty of room for creativity.

1 medium apple contains about 95 calories, and make 1 cup apple juice 3 large apples.

Here are some recipes from my favorite apple juice with:

Apple Juice Recipes
Basic apple Juice:
  • 3 apples 
well, not quite a recipe, but apples on their own taste great :-)

Apple Lemon Juice:
  • 3 apples
  • 1/2 peeled lemon

Apple Juice Recipes
Add caption
Simple Apple Orange Juice:
  • 2 green apples
  • 2 oranges 

Method: Simply peel oranges and wash apples thoroughly. Roughly chop fruits, no need to remove core and run through a juicer. 

Apple Grapefruit Juice:
  • 2 large apples
  • 1 grapefruit 

Apple Juice Recipes
Apple Greens Juice:
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cup of parsley
  • 1 cup of kale
  • 1 cup of spinach 

Apple Carrot Juice:

  • 2 apples
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stalk celery 

Celery Spinach Green Juice

To the greatest possible nutrients green juices are the way to go. With vegetables such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, spinach and kale at the top of the list of nutrient-dense foods too, and include green juices in your diet is one of the best things that you can do for your body.

If you are new to the juices green juice can not be easier to start with because you may need to develop the taste buds, but you can do it once (the sooner the better), you will love. The options are endless, but here are a few ideas for some refreshing green juices.

Celery Spinach Green Juice
Celery Spinach Green Juice:

Serves 1 

  • 2 green apples
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1" ginger root
  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups spinach 
Method: thoroughly wash produce, and cut into smaller pieces to match the size of the mouth of your juicer. Use all parts including stems and leaves, no need to core apples. Just run everything through. When finished juicing, stir and enjoy it

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Drink Celery Juice Every Day Keeps High Blood Pressure at Bay

Drink Celery Juice Every Day Keeps High Blood Pressure at Bay

(NaturalNews) Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood pushing against the walls of one's arteries. If the pressure rises significantly and remains there for a long time, can cause damage to the body. Lucky for us, one of the most common vegetables we use today - celery - with fibrous stems and crisp texture provides a natural way to lower blood pressure. It lowers a potentially dangerous situation without the risk of side effects that may accompany prescription drugs.
A blood pressure reading is measured by two numbers. The number above is referred to as systolic is the measure of blood pressure while the heart beat given. The lower number, diastolic, is the measure of blood pressure when the heart is relaxed given. Optimal blood pressure is recommended 120/80.
Just how could celery juice affect this measurement? This versatile vegetable contains active compounds called phthalides. These compounds provide health benefits by naturally relaxing the muscles in and around the walls of the arteries that causes vessels to dilate, creating more space inside the arteries that allow blood to flow at low pressure. Phthalides also been reported to lower blood pressure and promote a healthy circulatory system by reducing what are known as stress hormones. This biennial vegetable also contains high amounts of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The beneficial effect of minerals in celery serves to calm the nervous system, automatic balancing stress levels.
Although Hippocrates (a Greek physician considered the Father of Medicine, c 460 BC - .. C 377 BC) prescribed the juice leafy stalks coated for patients suffering from nervous tension and although Chinese medicine has long recognized celery juice to reduce high blood pressure, only recently has This has been studied in the Western world. The University of Chicago Medical (NaturalNews).Center (UCMC) is credited with one of the first studies of celery's effects on blood pressure. In one instance, the father of a scientist at UCMC experienced decreased blood pressure from 158/96 to 118/82 after just one week of eating about four cigarettes a day.
To test this theory, a physician at the Whitaker Wellness Center and her father both drank celery juice for thirty days, mixing it with a little orange juice to cover the taste slightly bitter celery juiced. The result? The father's systolic level dropped 148-128, and 120-105 doctor away.
Including this most nutritious juice as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle that may just help keep the risk of high blood pressure from ever becoming a problem.

Beet Juice Lowers Blood Pressure

Beet Juice Lowers Blood Pressure

Drinking two cups of beet juice a day can lower blood pressure, research suggests.
British researchers who conducted the research said the findings add weight to the importance of December by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Because bits (known as bits in the United Kingdom) was loaded with nitrate nutrients. Spinach, lettuce and other leafy green vegetables also have high nitrate levels.
Previous studies have shown that eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure. Antioxidants often get the credit, but several recent studies have suggested that it was the nitrate may play a much larger role. How nitrates work to lower blood pressure is more mystery.How to lower blood pressure can Nitrate
In the study, 14 healthy volunteers drank 500 ml (2 cups) sugar beet juice or organic Planet water within 30 minutes. The researchers examined the "blood pressure" to the participants every 15 minutes an hour before drinking the juice, every 15 minutes, three hours after drinking beet juice. It is also checked every hour for six hours and then at 24 hours after beet juice drink.
Compared to water drinkers, blood pressure dropped one hour after the volunteers drank the beet juice. We achieved the lowest point 2.5 to 3 hours after ingestion and continues to affect up to 24 hours.
Here's how it works: Nitrate in beetroot juice is converted by bacteria living on the tongue in the chemical nitrite. After entering the stomach, becomes nitric oxide or re-enters the bloodstream as nitrites. The researchers found that blood pressure is at its lowest when the nitrite levels in the blood were higher.
Nitrite, the researchers write, protection works against endothelial dysfunction, which means blood vessels have trouble expanding or contract to handle changes in blood flow. They also have anti-platelet properties.
"Our research suggests that drinking beetroot juice, or consuming other nitrate-rich vegetables, might be a simple way to" maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, and might also be an additional approach could be adopted in the modern fight against rising blood pressure "said Amrita Ahluwalia, PhD, a researcher of the study. Ahluwalia is a professor at the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and The London School of Medicine.

Diabetes and Juicing, is it okay?

Diabetes and Juicing, is it okay?
Diabetes is unfortunately very common health problem. In many cases, diabetes, nutrition and are primarily the result of too much sugar.
Juice is fine foods and all refined foods, no longer whole. Whole Foods takes longer for the body to digest, and thus is the sugar content in food is released slowly into the bloodstream. Digestion is a natural way the body slowly to get the vitamins and nutrients in the blood.
People from Asia never knew what diabetes until they started to improve rice and white. Unfortunately, brown rice is a whole food, while white rice is refined and processed foods. White rice contains very little food, and yet, because white rice is pure starch, it also releases glucose into the blood much faster.
When the body eat brown rice because it is a whole food takes longer to digest and thus the food is released slowly into the bloodstream.
White rice, on the other hand is a processed food, and since it has been refined, white rice absorbs quickly release sugar into the blood very quickly.
Juicing is all processed foods, but the difference is that juicing, you can get a good meal. But at the same time we must realize that we potentially release of sugar in our blood. Why not publish nutritional analysis for many vegetables and fruits as possible in my book.
It is important to realize how much sugar is in the vegetables we juicing.
When juicing, we want to focus more on vegetable juice, not fruit juice. We also want to focus on vegetables that are low in sugar. As a general rule, vegetables grown above ground low in sugar until they are grown in soil with a high sugar content, and that includes beets, carrots, sweet potatoes and more.
When you start juicing for the first time, I tell people to add a little of their juice, carrot juice, a little more tasty. But the key here is a small amount. Over time, carrot drinks and fruit juices, vegetables have a lower sugar content.
Sugar, sugar, sugar - whatever the source of sugar. Refined vegetable or fruit can lead to health problems such as sugar diabetes and hypoglycemia.
If you are concerned about diabetes, you should contact your doctor and / or naturopath before juicing. In addition, to get a Glucometer, so you can test your blood sugar after juicing. Glucometer is the same tool that diabetics use to test their blood sugar.
As a little tip, do not forget that the nutritional analysis for fruits and vegetables is 100 grams. A review of the nutritional analysis of fruit and vegetables should look at the energy level (sugar) and do not forget that 100 grams of carrots is a small amount, and 100 g salad much.
When salad is light, it will take quite a few leaves to make 100 g.
454 grams is equivalent to £ 1. So, if you are buying as an example, is £ 1 bag of carrots, so roughly ¼ of the equivalent 100 g bag.

Why I Got Ill, For A Short Time, While Juicing?

Why I Got Ill, For A Short Time, While Juicing?
What you have done is very distinctive and I'll tell you why.
People are influenced by and say Infomercials, many books and "fanatical" juices to believe that juicing is a miracle that juicing will cure all that ails you.
So, when you combine this with the thought process that makes people think "vegetables, it must be good for me. So there will be a lot better and my body."
So people like you realize that you do not feel well, and they wonder why?
There is a lot of hype out there about juicing and usually have to do with sales quota. People should be over juicing to sell something. But I do not have a quota, and thus I would like to remove the excess and juicing back to earth.
When man juice based on hype about juicing, you have heard it often leads to what I call it reckless juicing. But I encourage what I call "Responsible Juicing" - yes, such a boring term, but he is responsible juicing will actually contribute to long term health that so many people want.
The basic premise of "responsible juicing" is that "the difference between poison and medicine is always in the dose."
While the juice is made from whole vegetables, he concentrated source of processed vegetables. In this way not only to get more vegetables in your body feeding a higher dose, but since juice is processed, it means that the body does not have to digest and extract nutrients from the vegetables. This meal is easy and accessible.
When you eat vegetables, your body digest it, which takes time. During the digestive process, your body slowly gets nutrition. Eating carrots would be like driving 1,000 kilometers away. It's slow journey.
But juicing is like the shuttle launch. Before you know it, your body food is "out of this world." Increasing dietary levels and raise it quickly because juicing extraction of nutrients for your body.
So when you juice, responsibly.
Juicing should never be your way of life, but rather juicing should compliment your lifestyle.
Expectations will always create frustration and a lot of people start juicing with the expectation of good health - health miracle maker. But when that does not happen, or when they are sick, literally juicing, they are excluded. It's too bad. If someone just juice with a quiet acknowledgment that juicing is not a miracle, and that there is not a silver bullet for good health, but our way of life that creates good health, so people will juice in a way that is useful for them.
When the juice, we want to juice with quiet excitement. We want to love the whole process of juicing, but we want to be soft. We must realize that health will not be achieved overnight, and that no two people have the same needs, especially when it comes to health.
For some people Juicing is really a miracle for their health problems. But that does not mean it will be that way for everyone. Everyone has individual needs, so health should always be individualized to the person. On the one hand, juicing is a miracle, but for another, it does nothing but keep the body healthy and healthy character.
When it comes to juicing, we must always remember that juicing is to put more nutrients into your body. This form of herbal remedies. In fact, when you eat, you are giving your body medicone. Food is medicine!
As Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." It was however, not Hippocrates said: "Do not let the food his wife and his wife to be your food." Some natural foods are unhealthy and have an adverse effect on your health, like junk food, cigarettes, etc. But when juice extreme way, you can begin to "poison" the body, not necessarily toxic venom time, but rather to stimulate your body.
When you take natural remedies, many people believe that herbs have medicinal value to them. Well, it's true, they do. What herbs have more than anything is "eating". Eating herbs that help to heal the body.
It's just that the herbal medicine, we often use herbs that usually do not eat the roots or flowers. But when it comes to juicing, it's just a carrot ... or is it just a puller. We do not see them as herbal medicine, because we eat them all the time, but they are herbal medicines. We do not see carrots, beets and other vegetables such as herbal medicine, because we never ate them high enough dose to stimulate the healing abilities of the body. But when you juice vegetables to increase your dose to make food more easily, so it really woke vegetable or herbal healing powers. This is why juicing may have a healing effect on the body, but only when done correctly.
Sick person may need more and be able to cope with the higher dose vegetables in their juice because their body needs nutrition. But for the average person, they need less - charge amount of juice. This is where most people make their mistake. Juice as if they are so sick and juice too much and too fast. But even sick if you juice the way your body does not like, so you can make things worse.
Some would say that it is better to experience the detox effect when you feel sick. But I personally believe that a person can detoxify in a way where they feel better. You should feel terrible for detoxification. A person can detoxify in a way that does not draw attention to the kidneys, for example.
The reality is that your body is in a constant state of detoxification. If your body is constantly detoxifying will die. Thus, every time you exhale, you are detoxifying. Every time you urinate or have a bowel movement, detoxification. Your body is always detoxifying and all we can do is to help the body detoxify efficiently. We can do this by minimizing the toxins that enter our body and helps to maximize the toxins leaving.
Now back to herbal ... They work by providing the body nutrition.
So when juice reckless manner, stimulating the body.
Therefore, all you have to do is juice in a calm manner and do not drink more than one glass of juice a day.
Drivers in my book is what guides. But they are there to help people who do not feel uncomfortables negatives of juicing and soft benefits.
Simplicity creates coherence and consistency is what creates results. So juicing again does nothing. But juicing regularly and continuously, in a responsible way, a long-term benefit to your health.
So you just have to learn how to juice, you drive a car, not a rocket ship pilot.

Putting Vegetables On Ice Before Juicing?

Putting Vegetables On Ice Before Juicing?
Making vegetables cold, so they are sharper to chop them can be good when cooking and preparing food dishes. But when you juice the sharp vegetable does not really matter because the juice machine just will press or grind all the juice out, no matter how sharp vegetable is.

What is most important is that when you juice, you get maximum digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Cold food close digestive system, making the body more susceptible to health problems like fever and constipation along with many other things.

So in my opinion, it is not wise to make vegetables cold. It is always better to juice vegetables at room temperature.

How much juice should I drink

How much juice should I drink
The need 1 cup a day is an average person ... 8 oz, 255 ml or 1/4 liters.

Drinking more than this will cause an imbalance in the body's potential.

Remember that juice made ​​from whole foods, juice is a processed food. Juice is not only a processed food, but it's a nutritional "targeted" source. While nutrition is good, too much at once cause problems. The difference between the toxic and medicine is always in the dose.

If health was a runner, the fitness runner would rather endurance runner. Endurance runner becomes slower, but longer stays. Sprint is fast, but can not keep pace over a long distance.

Fitness is not a race, it is a process ... Is an ongoing process that we have to work every day for our entire lives. That's why I do it as a cure all for juicing promote choice, but as part of a lifestyle.

As always, I am responsible to remind people like to read my page on juicing

Juice Lifestyle Start

 Juice Lifestyle Start

When starting juice, vegetables that you like and begin to enjoy. At the same time to avoid or at least minimize the sweet juice to try. Sweet juices are good as a gift, but I want to minimize sugar content.
Over time, you might think at first enjoy the flavor and juices of the body, it did not enjoy.
Start slowly. You do not want to overwhelm your body and you feel nauseous.
His stomach was sent clear signals not make the vegetable juice, should at least not yet.Everyone is different. So it is important that you listen to your body. Vegetables that can not be good for others who are good for.
While it is easy to drink fruit juice, fruit juice high in sugar and should be less frequent and better yet, the juice should be rare. When fruits are consumed with the body's natural cleansers.
When the juice pulp made. You are a little pulp in the juice then add the benefits of fiber. Add pasta to add back the amount of juice really depends on your personal preferences.
Gradually introduce vegetables into your routine after you for your body is used to drinking fresh juice.
Carrots, celery, and cucumber with vegetables such as soft start. But do not overdo carrots. Use ¼ half of the core. If you use a carrot, you will also increase your blood sugar. Over time, you can get your daily carrot juice rich in nutrients rather than to focus on vegetables and sugar. This does not mean that you can not and should carrot juice. Instead, it means a bit of variety. Not always carrot juice. It can be difficult because carrot juice is very tasty indeed.
When your body carrots, celery, and cucumber, which could be in a week or two, and then broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini vegetables such as transferring to drink more comfortable than the basic vegetables , a salad, etc. for all new vehicles, slowly but surely. Once your body is acclimatized to these vegetables, you can try other vegetables.
When you feel ready, start a small mixing. Some asparagus, spinach, endive try, and to implement the most frequently consumed vegetables and gradually introduce some herbs like parsley and cilantro start.
Time and your body is used to make juice for a period, you gradually cabbage, spinach, kale, mustard greens leafy vegetables such as wheatgrass and dandelion leaves can apply. Been put before the greens.
Fourth juice never use more than dark green vegetables. Dark green vegetable juice can be very powerful. You know what I mean after you first try some kale or chard wheatgrass.
Underground grown vegetables are high in sugar. The carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, etc., but these vegetables provide important food, including its high sugar content. Key juice is not often, and when you make juice, use a small amount. Vegetables for nutrition is important, but we are responsible for our blood sugar levels juice being aware of the need to do.
People at first a little bit of carrot juice suggests, just because it tastes good. But I would encourage carrot juice in the long run. Carrot juice is a great way to introduce yourself and your body is fresh vegetable juice, but the key word here is "enter". Once your body has been determined juice, carrots and vegetables grown in the area to focus less on time.
Always drink carrot juice. I do not drink carrot juice every day to drink in large quantities.
When fruit juice, it is important that you listen to your body. Your body will tell you what vegetables you like or do not like the body. The introduction of a new plant, even when a small amount of vegetable slow start and new. Then surely find out if there is a plant that does not like your body.
I would say that with their juices do not add more than one new vehicle.
Adding a new vegetable for its juice, which is easily identified plant was the culprit.
When you drink vegetable juice, the juice should be at room temperature. This means that you press on the counter for a couple of hours before your vegetables from the refrigerator and should take place. Ideally, if you are sure that they can leave their vehicle overnight at room temperature. Cold food digestive system off and then it would be contrary to the purpose of juice.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Apricot Raspberry Refresher

From good housekeeping
total time 5 minutes
makes 4 drinks
4 small cans ( 5.5 oz each) apricot nectar, chilled
2 can (15 oz each) apricot halves in light syrup, drained
12 ice cubes
1/4 cup honey
1 cup frozen raspberries
in blender, combine apricot nectar, apricots, ice, and honey. blend until mixture is smooth. add raspberries, blend until broken up but not pureed.
each drink about 262 calories, 2 g protein, 68 g carbohydrate, 0 g total fat, 7 g fiber, 0 mg cholesterol, 12 mg sodium